How Do I File an Ethics Complaint?

There are some important considerations when filing an ethics complaint that you should be aware of. We highly encourage reading “Before You File A Complaint” to better understand the Ethics Complaint process. If you would like to file an Ethics Complaint, please contact our Professional Standards Administrator, Lauren Vance - - 205-295-5123


Only REALTORS® are subject to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS®. If you have questions about filing a Code of Ethics complaint, please contact our Professional Standards Administrator, Lauren Vance - - 205-295-5123

Learn more about the REALTOR® Code of Ethics:

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Ethics Complaint vs MLS Complaint


Ethics Complaint

  • Violation of a specific article

  • Treating all parties fairly

  • Misrepresenting, concealing, or exaggerating pertinent factsFailure to cooperate with other REALTORS® (does not include the obligation to share commissions, fees, or compensate another broker)

  • Failure to disclose you are a REALTOR® or hold interest in the property

  • Provide professional services concerning a property or its value where they have a present or contemplated interest unless such interest is specifically disclosed to all affected parties

  • Not abiding by Standard of Practice 10.5: REALTORS® must not use harassing speech, hate speech, epithets, or slurs based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity

  • Compensated by more than one party

  • Accepting payment or rebates other than commission unless disclosed to allFailure to use a trust account

  • Not putting things in writing

  • Denied professional services based on minority status

  • Practicing outside of competence

  • False advertising

  • Practicing law without a license

  • Refusal to present evidence in a hearing

  • Bad-mouthing other REALTORS®

  • Soliciting other REALTOR® clients

  • Refusing to participate in (or pay from) arbitration hearing

MLS Complaint

To submit an MLS Complaint please send a detailed explanation to  When requested by a complainant, the MLS will process a complaint without revealing the complainant’s identity. If a complaint is subsequently forwarded to a hearing, and the original complainant does not consent to participating in the process, the MLS will appoint a representative to serve as the complainant.

  • Violation of an MLS rule

  • Any violation of lockbox/key policy

  • Abusing coming soon status (i.e., marketing and showing the property without entry in the MLS)

  • Violation of the Clear Cooperation policy (i.e., putting a sign in the yard when the listing is not in the MLS after 1 business day)

  • Listing brokers misrepresenting the availability of access to show or inspect listed property

  • Showing the home without permission

  • Failure to identify as a limited-service listing

  • Change in listing status not reported

  • Prohibited use of the term MLS in any medium

  • Sharing of MLS user ID and password